What Essential Oil Goes Well With Lemongrass?

Lemongrass is a common essential oil in aromatherapy, owing to its invigorating and refreshing scent. If you want to make the most of your lemongrass oil, combine it with other essential oils in a diffuser. Well, I have some ideas in mind. And, I would love to share them with you, in this article. A number of mind-boosting combinations can help you relax, have energy, and focus better. So, what essential oil goes well with lemongrass. I will tell you my favorite blends and picks in this article.

Now, let us talk about the best essential blend with lemongrass. However, there is not only one essential oil blend. In fact, there are several essential oils that blend well with lemongrass.

What Essential Oil Goes Well With Lemongrass?

We first need to understand lemongrass before we can work with lemongrass essential oil blends. Lemongrass Essential Oil comes from the lemongrass plant through a steam distillation process.

Every essential oil has a variety of health and beauty advantages. Lemongrass is well-known for its therapeutic and fragrant applications, which are widespread in tropical regions. It thrives best in warm climates and has a worldwide fan-out.

Which Essential Goes Well With Lemongrass? My Top Picks For You!

I have stated the best essential oils that blend well with lemongrass. Let me round them off.

(You can access my exclusive articles on most of these essential oils through the links)

These essential oils make the best blend with lemongrass.

Next, let us talk about lemongrass essential oil.

What Do You Need To Know About Lemongrass Essential Oil?

Lemongrass or Cymbopogon is a member of the family of about 55 other grasses. These plants are native to Asia, Africa, and Australia’s tropical climates. They are generally cut using sharp tools to ensure accurate cutting.

The leaves are carefully handled to prevent them from splitting since they include vital Lemongrass oil. The leaves then go through steam distillation to produce the oil.

Few of the compounds present in this oil are terpenes, ketones, alcohol, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds. These components are all connected to the oil’s numerous health benefits. 

Because of its remarkable capacity to cure fever and a variety of other diseases effectively, experts refer to Lemongrass as fever grass as well. This oil includes antifungal and antioxidant properties, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking flawless skin and nourished hair.

What Are The Benefits Of Lemongrass Essential Oil?

Did you know that applying Lemongrass essential oil to your skin, hair, and general health might provide you with advantages? Let’s look at some of the most common applications and advantages of oil now.

Deals With Dandruff

Dandruff is a prevalent irritant on the scalp. The goal of healthy and robust hair development is to have a flake-free scalp with well-nourished hair follicles. Lemongrass essential oil (2-3 drops) applied to your hair oil and used on the scalp effectively kills dandruff-causing germs.

Fights Fungal Infections

Lemongrass essential oil has an anti-fungal component. It inhibits the development of fungal infections in the body by combating candida species on the skin, nails, and hair. It is specifically intended to combat candida infection on the skin, nails, and hair. When applied topically, it prevents yeast infections from developing and growing.

Helps To Reduce Anxiety Levels

Lemongrass essential oil has a calming and peaceful scent. When inhaled through a diffuser or vaporizer, the oil might be used to relieve stress and anxiety on its own. It can reduce blood pressure in people as well.

Acts As A Stress Reliever

This oil can reduce blood pressure, which is a significant factor in stress and anxiety. It lowers blood pressure, which is why it’s used to treat stress. Stress and worry are the two most common causes of elevated blood pressure; this oil helps to reduce it by eliminating tension. Massage with this oil on your scalp for even more relaxation benefits.

Eugenol, a component found in lemongrass, has properties that are similar to those of aspirin. Eugenol enhances the release of serotonin as well. The serotonin hormone plays an important role in sleep and hunger management as well as other cognitive processes.

Refreshes The Indoor Environment

This oil, when applied in a diluted form in the environment, is recognized to instantly freshen the air and act as a natural room deodorizer or fragrance. Chemical-based air fresheners contain potentially hazardous chemicals that may cause long-term damage. This oil, on the other hand, is completely safe and non-toxic. It performs both functions of deodorant while also relaxing the atmosphere.

Helps To Mitigate Muscle Cramps And Pain

The anti-inflammatory effect of lemongrass essential oil is attributed to the fact that it contains citral, which helps to relieve pain and cramps caused by inflammation. This oil is commonly present at home as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and for application to the painful region. According to research, after 30 days of applying this oil on a regular basis, pain levels may significantly decrease.

Promotes Healthier Skin

The oil has a variety of skin beneficial features. Lemongrass oil can improve the texture of all layers of the skin, from cleansing and detoxifying to removing surplus oil.

The oil’s antioxidant qualities aid in the reduction of free radicals and the promotion of suppleness in the skin. Not only this, but it also aids in the battle against acne-causing germs.

Acts As A Natural Anti-septic Agent

The antiseptic qualities of this oil make it useful in the treatment of bruises and minor injuries. It washes and disinfects the wound, as well as aiding in the healing process. It’s also a natural astringent, which helps to tone your skin while also strengthening its structure.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol levels are directly in link to the development of heart diseases. The Lemongrass herb was present for usage in ancient times to treat heart issues. In small quantities, lemongrass essential oil can lower cholesterol levels.

Bottom Line

In this article, I covered everything you need to know about lemongrass essential oil, its applications beyond aromatherapy, and the best blends. There is now one best blend. In fact, there are several essential oil blends that go well with lemongrass. The soothing and hypnotic aroma of the oil is well known for relieving anxiety, irritability, and sleeplessness. Moreover, it’s a strong essential oil with skin health advantages.


I have enjoyed herbs and essential oils for a very long time and have come to deeply value their aromatic and health benefits. These powerful plants and oils connect me to the natural world in an almost otherworldly way as they offer their innate therapeutic effects. However, their humble offering needs to be respected, and I hope these articles help you safely accept the beauty and power of herbs and essential oils.

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