How To Mix Peppermint Oil For Roaches?

Peppermint oil is one of the most natural ways to get rid of roaches. So, how to mix peppermint oil for roaches? I will talk about that later. Peppermint oil is toxic to these pests, so you can spray it around your house without worrying about any harmful effects on humans or pets.

To make peppermint spray for roaches, combine equal amounts of oil and water in a spray bottle and shake well to combine the oil and water. Peppermint oils are the best way to kill pests without using harmful chemicals. They’re easy and safe, plus they smell good too! You can find peppermints at your local grocery store or farmer’s market.

There is no need for dangerous pesticides in our homes anymore when we have this all-natural solution that won’t harm you or anyone else around us while doing its job well: killing roaches fast with a spray bottle. Though bugs can be pesky, there’s always a way to get rid of them. One natural method that has been proven effective and easy for homeowners like you is using peppermint oil as an anti-roach agent.

How To Mix Peppermint Oil For Roaches?

Peppermint oil is known for its ability to repel bugs and other pests, so it makes sense that it might work against cockroaches as well. There isn’t much scientific evidence to support this home remedy, but some people swear by it. To use peppermint oil to keep roaches away, mix equal parts of the oil with water in a spray bottle and spritz it around your home. You can also try dabbing some oil on a cotton ball and placing it in areas where you’ve seen roaches. Just keep the cotton balls out of reach of children and pets, as peppermint oil can be toxic if ingested. Here is the detailed procedure for how I mix peppermint oils for roaches:

How to Mix Peppermint Oil for Repellent 

Menthol, a chemical found in peppermint oil that repels roaches and other insects, is also present when using menthol essential oils.

  • All you have to get is essential peppermint oil and a spray bottle. You can find peppermint oil at your local grocery store or even online.
  • Once you have your supplies, mix equal parts of the oil with water in the spray bottle. For example, if you use 200ml of water, add 10-12 drops of peppermint oil.
  • Shake the mixture well, so the oil and water are combined.

You can use olive or peppermint oil as a carrier for your blend. This will help you save money by using cheap forms of these oils, but the quality won’t suffer! The Ethereal Nature company makes pure versions popular among customers looking to create their blends without spending too much at once on ingredients like lavender flowers and oregano leaves (which often have precise standardized ratios).

Method Of Uses

  1. The first step to getting rid of roaches is using a spray bottle. Spray this solution in your kitchen and bathroom, concentrating on cupboards and inside them- especially any pipes that may be present in those rooms or hiding places such as closets where they could live out their days until someone finds them! Once all potential infestation areas have had something coated over them with our special recipe, then take another thorough sweep for any more pesky bugs trying sneaky tricks like these.
  2. Cotton balls are another option. Allow a few cotton balls to soak up the liquid after completing this mixture. You may also use cotton balls to exterminate roaches in various locations of your house. Peppermint oil, while powerful, dissipates quickly. Every night, you may add a few drops to keep repelling and eradicating roaches.

What Makes Peppermint Oils Harmful For Cockroaches? 

Menthol is the ingredient that makes peppermint oil an effective roach killer. It’s present in most common mint plants and gives them their “minty” fragrance, which can be used as a natural defense against these pests to keep your home free of pesky insects.

The key to getting rid of roaches is not just leaving out peppermint oil; it also needs some other ingredients. When mixed with borax, lavender or eucalyptus oils, for instance – all common household pest repellents-they’ll be unable to get near your home again because these substances have too high a toxicity level for them!

The use of peppermint oil to kill roaches is not as effective when the percentage exceeds 3%, but it’s still better than nothing at all. Direct exposure will have to occur for quite a while before any significant results come about; continuous and direct contact with this solution is needed if you want your home or office completely free from these pesky pests. I am saying this from personal experience.

How Long Do Peppermint Oils Work On Roaches?

You may have heard that peppermint oil won’t work on roaches because it only takes one application for the bug to get bored of your scent and move on to something else. While this is true, keep trying if you want an effective repellent.

The reason why it’s essential to keep using peppermint oil is because the scent only lasts for about 2 hours, which means that you have to reapply it often. Cockroaches will eventually get used to the smell of peppermint if you don’t change up your routine, so make sure to rotate between different essential oils to keep them at bay. Do not cease utilizing peppermint oil on roaches until at least a few days have passed and you still see none of the pests.

Peppermint oil is one of the most common essential oils used to repel and kill cockroaches, but it’s not the only one. If you want to try something different, consider using eucalyptus, lemon, or lavender oil.

It’s not always easy to tell if you have a problem with roaches or regular household cleanliness, but many people spot these pesky bugs by looking for their signature scent. When using peppermint oil as a treatment for unwanted guests in your home, try focusing on spots where they live and travel – cockroaches are nocturnal, so this will help keep them away during daylight hours. It’s best to apply the solution at least once a day.

Reapply your solution of peppermint oil and water every day, or as often as you can, to keep roaches away. You should also continue to vacuum and sweep your floors regularly to remove any roach eggs present. In addition, make sure to keep all food storage areas clean and free of crumbs.

Wrapping Up

If you want to get rid of roaches for good, you need to start using peppermint oil. To keep bugs away, use peppermint oil in a spray bottle with water to create a solution and spritz it around your property. You may also try rubbing some oil on a cotton ball and placing it where you’ve seen roaches. I assure you that this mix will help free your home from roaches.


I have enjoyed herbs and essential oils for a very long time and have come to deeply value their aromatic and health benefits. These powerful plants and oils connect me to the natural world in an almost otherworldly way as they offer their innate therapeutic effects. However, their humble offering needs to be respected, and I hope these articles help you safely accept the beauty and power of herbs and essential oils.

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