How To Make Lemongrass Essential Oil?

Nothing is better than bathing in a tub surrounded by the pleasant scent of lemongrass essential oil if you want to pamper yourself! The uses and advantages of lemongrass essential oil are not only for the skin, you can easily produce it at home. Continue reading if you want to learn how to make your own pure lemongrass oil with benefits. So, how to make lemongrass essential oil? Let me unleash my recipe and process for you in this article.

To produce lemongrass oil, you’ll need a carrier oil. The carrier oil is the oil that serves as the foundation for additions or infusions of lemongrass extracts.

Lemongrass is actively present in Thai and Vietnamese cuisine, according to my research. Lemongrass is one such herb that works well in soups, chicken, and salads with a twist.

However, this wonder plant has a wide range of medicinal, cosmetic, and therapeutic uses. The same is true for lemongrass oil, which is made from lemongrass as well. It has a crisp, citrusy scent that’s difficult to overlook.

Now, before I get to my lemongrass oil recipe, let me tell you some things about it.

What Do You Need To Know About Lemongrass Essential Oil?

Lemongrass or Cymbopogon Citratus is a tropical plant from India and Sri Lanka. However, it is present in tropical and subtropical areas such as Africa, South America, South East Asia, and Central America.

The scientific name for it is Cynodon dactylon. It is also known as Coton grass, Keralan grass, Citronella grass, barbed wire grass, and silky head. This plant has a variety of applications in the food industry, medicine, and cosmetics.

It is a medicine that is used to cure a variety of maladies, including high blood pressure, digestive issues, skin irritations and infections, and nervous system problems.

It has antioxidant effects and is helpful in treating oxidative stress. Free radicals are molecules that harm tissue when they cause damage, resulting in oxidation.

Lemongrass tea is a well-liked type of tea that has a lemon-like flavor and fragrance, as well as soothing effects.

How To Make Lemongrass Essential Oil?

It’s easy to get mixed up between lemongrass fragrance oil and lemongrass essential oil. Lemongrass fragrance oils simply include the scent of lemongrass with minimal nutritional or health advantages.

Essential oils, on the other hand, contain all of the lemongrass’s essential qualities such as its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal characteristics.

Making Lemongrass Essential Oil

Now, let me walk you through the quick details of the process and ingredients.


  • Stalks of lemongrass, three or four in number
  • One type of any carrier oil. You may use olive oil, virgin coconut oil, sweet almond oil, or almond oil in this recipe.
  • The fine cheesecloth should be clean, dry, and smooth.
  • A rolling pin or a mortar and pestle are good options.
  • Glass jar with lid.
  • Dark glass bottle with a tight cap.


  1. Remove the peel from lemongrass stalks or leaves. If they are too long, cut them into half or into six-inch lengths with a knife. Crush the leaves using a rolling pin if you don’t want to use a rolling pin on them. You may also crush them smaller and use a mortar and pestle instead of a rolling pin.
  2. Fill the glass jar halfway with the base or carrier oil. Into this glass jar, add the crushed lemongrass stalks. Make sure it’s secure and covered with a lid.
  3. Put this jar in a cool, dry location that’s exposed to as much sunshine as possible.
  4. Allow two days for the oils to separate. Take the cheesecloth and strain the oil remaining in the jar after two days.
  5. Repeat the process with additional crushed lemongrass stalks. This may be kept in an open container next to your plants for two days.
  6. Repeat this process three times, or test the oil’s strength. The stronger the lemon scent, the more potent it is.
  7. Place the sieve over a teacup or any container with a similar shape and size. Add the strained oil to it, then cover the cup with cheesecloth.
  8. Pour the oil into the darker glass jar. Place the jar in a dark, cool, dry location away from sunlight this time.

There you have it!

Now, it is time to know about the benefits of lemongrass essential oil.

Benefits Of Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass essential oil brings a number of amazing benefits. Let me round them off.

Helps To Treat Oily Skin

Organic lemongrass essential oil has several advantages when it comes to looking good. One of the most prominent is how it may help reduce greasiness and shine. As a natural astringent, this substance is present in skincare products to control excessive oil on the skin.

Great Scent

Organic lemongrass essential oil has become a popular choice for inclusion in cosmetics due to its naturally appealing and tangy scent.

Fights Acne

For ages, lemongrass has been used as a natural cure to treat infections and sores. Scientific study has confirmed this ancient belief that lemongrass possesses antibacterial properties, making it an effective pimple-causing bacteria fighter in today’s skincare regimen.

Soothes Mind And Body

A variety of studies have established the therapeutic effects of aromatherapy essential oils on both the body and mind. Organic lemongrass essential oil’s wonderful fragrance is a fantastic method to relax the senses while also pampering your skin.

Offers Skin Purification Properties

Organic lemongrass essential oil has the ability to purify physical qualities that make it ideal for skincare. These characteristics aid in the removal of pollutants, detoxification of the skin, and providing it a clean, clear sensation.

 Rich In Anti-oxidants

Antioxidants are beneficial to your skin since they aid in the prevention of free radicals, which may cause damage. Organic lemongrass essential oil is yet another fighter in the war against free radicals as a natural antioxidant!

Great For A Sound Sleep

Organic lemongrass essential oil has the power to transport you off into a more peaceful slumber thanks to its soothing and calming qualities, as well as its lovely scent.

Wrapping Up!

I’ve emphasized the many health advantages of lemongrass oil. In addition, you got to know about making lemongrass essential oil at home. Although lemongrass oil is safe, you should get medical advice before taking it for its health advantages. If you are susceptible to allergies and migraines, this is especially important.

Essential Reads for You!

What Essential Oil Blends Well with Lemongrass?

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I have enjoyed herbs and essential oils for a very long time and have come to deeply value their aromatic and health benefits. These powerful plants and oils connect me to the natural world in an almost otherworldly way as they offer their innate therapeutic effects. However, their humble offering needs to be respected, and I hope these articles help you safely accept the beauty and power of herbs and essential oils.

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