How To Make Clove Oil?

Clove oil is an essential ingredient in many natural remedies. It’s frequently used as a vaporizer for calming, warming effects on the body and can be applied topically to help heal cuts or skin irritations naturally without any side effects. So, how to make clove oil? I will discuss the detailed process shortly.

Take 2-3 tablespoons of dried clove and put it in a mortar to make your Clove oil. Crush up these seeds using the backside (pestle) and then transfer them into an empty jar! Add some olive or coconut oils until it reaches halfway across. This should be enough for two weeks at most with daily use.

Clove oil has been used for centuries as a natural remedy. Cloves are unique in that they’re not just powerful antioxidants but also help reduce pain and inflammation! This is why people who have arthritis or joint problems rave about cloves – their strong scent masks the smell often left behind by medication while soothing your joints at the same time.

How To Make Clove Oil?

I feel Clove oil is a storehouse full of health benefits. These properties have been known for centuries in India and China, where it was used as an antimicrobial agent to fight infections from bacteria or fungi that cause sore throats. It is still used in many parts of the world as a natural remedy for toothaches, indigestion, and even respiratory problems.

Clove is a natural remedy that can help you with a toothache and other oral conditions. The presence of eugenol makes it an effective treatment option for many ailments, as well! You could also try using clove oil on your skin or mucous membranes. Just be sure not to get too close to any open wounds because this might irritate them further instead of naturally relieving their pain. I will talk more about clove oils’ benefits later. Let’s have a look at how to make clove oil:

To make clove oil, you will need:

  • 2-3 tablespoons of dried cloves
  • A mortar and pestle
  • An empty jar
  • Olive or coconut oil

Directions To Make Clove Oil: 

  • To make the most of your cloves, toast them in a pan before adding oil. This will bring out their flavor and help extract more spice.
  • Remove the lid and wash your bottle, cap, and mortar. Fill the container with water and set it in a pot with the mortar, pestle, and funnel.
  • Boil the water in the pot and then pour it over the items in the container. This will sterilize everything, so your oil is free of contaminants.
  • Once everything is dry, add your cloves to the mortar and begin crushing them. If you want a more delicate powder, use a coffee grinder or spice mill after pounding them in the mortar.
  • Now, add your olive or coconut oil to the jar until it reaches halfway up the cloves. You can also use a different essential oil like lavender if you prefer.
  • Put the lid on tightly and shake the mixture until combined—store in a cool, dark place for two weeks, shaking it every few days.
  • After two weeks, strain the oil through a coffee filter or cheesecloth into another clean jar. You can also use a funnel for this.
  • Your clove oil is now ready to use!

Clove oil has many benefits that make it an excellent natural remedy. As an antiseptic, you can use it to clean cuts and scrapes. It’s also an analgesic, which means it can help to relieve pain. And because it’s an anti-inflammatory, you can use clove oil to help reduce swelling.

How To Use

There are a few ways you can use clove oil. One is to add a few drops to a cotton ball and apply it to the affected area. Another is to add a few drops to a bowl of steaming water and inhale the vapors. You can also add a few drops to your bathwater.

For toothache, apply a drop or two of clove oil to a cotton ball and place it against the affected tooth. You can also add a few drops of clove oil to your toothpaste when brushing your teeth.

For indigestion, add a few drops of clove oil to a glass of water and drink it. You can also add a few drops to a cup of tea.

For respiratory problems, add a few drops of clove oil to a bowl of steaming water and inhale the vapors. You can also add a few drops to your bathwater.

This is a natural remedy that you can use for many different ailments. Be sure to dilute it properly before using it, and always test it on a small area of skin first to make sure you’re not allergic. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor before using clove oil.

Benefit Of Clove Oil

Clove oil has many benefits and can be used in many different ways. As I mentioned before, it’s excellent for treating toothaches and can also soothe sore muscles, relieve arthritis pain, and even treat respiratory problems. It’s a powerful antioxidant and can help boost your immune system. You can also use clove oil topically to heal cuts and scrapes and relieve insect bites.

If you’re looking for a natural way to treat various ailments, give this oil a try. Be sure to dilute it properly and always test it on a small skin area first to make sure you’re not allergic. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor before using this essential oil.

To give your hair a thicker and more voluminous look, you can try using this oil on the outside of it. The natural plant oils in question here will stimulate those follicles to grow new strands while also improving how soft they feel against the skin.

Cloves are great for relieving respiratory conditions like cough and asthma. You can add a few drops of it to your tea or combine it with ginger- both ingredients have healing properties that work together in this formula.

Wrapping Up

Place 2-3 tablespoons of dried cloves in a mortar and pound them to make your own Clove oil. Transfer the crushed seeds to an empty jar using the back (pestle) side. Add some olive or coconut oils to make it more sustainable. You can use this topically to relieve pain from arthritis or place it inside a diffuser to enjoy the benefits of clove oil’s natural aroma. Clove oil is also effective in aiding respiratory problems and boosting the immune system. Thanks for reading!


I have enjoyed herbs and essential oils for a very long time and have come to deeply value their aromatic and health benefits. These powerful plants and oils connect me to the natural world in an almost otherworldly way as they offer their innate therapeutic effects. However, their humble offering needs to be respected, and I hope these articles help you safely accept the beauty and power of herbs and essential oils.

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