How To Apply Tea Tree Oil To Skin Tags?

Skin tags can appear on any part of the body and if they occur in prominent places such as the face, may be unsightly. Are you looking for a non-invasive and natural solution to get rid of them? My solution is to use tea tree oil for skin tag removal. Now, I will guide you on how to apply tea tree oil to skin tags?

First, you need to clean the skin area with skin tags with warm water. Next, dry the area with a clean towel by patting smoothly. After that, use a cotton bud or a q-tip to apply diluted tea tree oil to the area. I recommend doing it two to three times a day. Moreover, I especially advise you to stop using it in case of irritation, pain, or rash.

Tea tree oil is a skin-care substance obtained from the leaves of tea trees in Australia. Although no clinical study has been conducted on tea tree oil’s use for skin tags, it is claimed to be effective. Tea tree oil is said to dry up and drop off skin tags, according to some users.

Now, let me walk you through the details.

What Are Skin Tags?

The skin is the body’s largest organ. You’ll notice lumps, color variations, and bumps at once. Skin tags may appear more frequently as we get older. They aren’t harmful in any way, but they can be bothersome.

Skin tags are tiny, fleshy growths that develop in the folds of your skin. The neck and armpits are the most common sites. These soft tumors may be small yet they stick out.

When skin tags are moved or touched, they may appear to be little flaps. When you see the first sign of a skin tag, it’s likely that you won’t. They’re generally the same hue as your own complexion or somewhat darker.

How To Find Out If You Have Skin Tags?

Because they have a distinct form, skin tags are simple to spot. They might be confused with other skin problems in rare cases, such as:


Skin tags are often smaller than moles. They may stick out from the skin, but they are typically flat and round. Moles are generally red, pink, or brown in hue. Moles can develop into skin cancer rather than skin tags.


Warts, like skin tags, maybe pinkish in color. They’re also formed from the skin and are somewhat raised. They are generally bigger than skin tags and have a rough feel to them.

How Tea Tree Oil is Effective In Removing Skin Tags?

Is it true that tea tree oil eliminates skin tags? It’s an antiseptic and antibacterial, among other things. Tea tree oil, in fact, has healing characteristics and is 100 percent natural.

It should be applied directly to the afflicted region(s). If you have a lot of skin tags (a cluster) in one spot, this is an excellent option since all of the diseased skin on your body can be treated at once.

Many options involve a time-consuming and precise application procedure for each skin tag. You’re more likely to miss out on treatments if a process takes longer to complete, slowing down the entire recovery process.

How To Apply Tea Tree Oil To Skin Tags?

Tea tree oil is a wonderful home remedy for eliminating skin tags. Follow these steps to get rid of your skin tags with tea tree oil.

  1. Soak a clean, dry towel in warm water and use it to wipe away the soap and water. Dry off the area with a clean towel.
  2. Two to three drops of tea tree oil can be mixed with one tbs of carrier oil. You can go for coconut or olive oil.
  3. Apply the oil mixture to each skin tag using a q-tip.
  4. Allow the oil to dry. Place a cotton ball with some oil on it over the skin tag and tape it in place.
  5. Repeat it three times a day until the tag sheds.

Risks Associated With Tea Tree Oil Usage

Tea tree oil is completely safe when applied topically in limited doses. You may notice a tingling or red sensation. If this happens, stop utilizing it and search for alternative solutions to remove your skin tags.

Even in little amounts, tea tree oil is highly concentrated and harmful. It should never be consumed. Adults may experience lighter symptoms if tea tree oil is ingested, but it is extremely hazardous for children and can result in significant damage.

Keep it out of reach of your pets. Tea tree oil is dangerous to both people and animals.

The symptoms of being poisoned by tea tree oil include:

  • Tired muscles and quivering
  • Hardship in walking
  • Low body temperature
  • Extreme salivation

Before attempting an at-home cure, see your doctor. They can tell you how to safely treat your skin tags with tea tree oil and which symptoms to be on the lookout for.

Side Effects Of Tea Tree Oil On Skin

Please remember to never use undiluted tea tree oil as it may irritate the skin. I have a detailed article on diluting tea tree oil at home, read it here.

Tea tree oil, like many other essential oils, might cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. The following are some of the potential symptoms of a tea tree oil allergy:

  • Itchy Skin.
  • Burning feeling on the skin.
  • Stinging feel on the skin.
  • Redness in skin areas.
  • Skin becomes rough and dry.

Make certain to always consult your doctor before using herbal medicines. Also, check the manufacturers to ensure consistency. Though skin tags do not necessarily require medical attention, it is certainly recommended that they be assessed by a qualified healthcare professional prior to treatment.

Final Thoughts

Skin tags can be treated with tea tree oil. Although this is not a common practice. You may have access to alternative techniques for removing a skin tag. Discuss alternatives to surgical removal of skin tags at your doctor’s office. However, tea tree oil is effective. Before putting tea tree oil on your skin tags, dilute it with a carrier oil to avoid skin sensitivity. If you have an allergy to tea tree oil, stop using it immediately because you could develop swelling, irritation, or burning.

Read More About Tea Tree Oil

Using Tea Tree Oil For Sinus Infections.

How to Make tea Tree Oil Spray

Using Tea Tree Oil for Boils.

How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Ingrown Hair?


I have enjoyed herbs and essential oils for a very long time and have come to deeply value their aromatic and health benefits. These powerful plants and oils connect me to the natural world in an almost otherworldly way as they offer their innate therapeutic effects. However, their humble offering needs to be respected, and I hope these articles help you safely accept the beauty and power of herbs and essential oils.

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