How Do You Use Peppermint Oil For Ants?

Peppermint oils are a natural way to repel ants without the use of harmful chemicals. So how do you use peppermint oil for ants? I will share some easy steps for it later. Peppermint oils can be made at home or purchased from your local grocery store, variety shop and even some gas stations! The scent will keep them away for hours, so you never need to worry about coming into contact with these pesky insects again.

Keep your home free of pesky insects by filling the spray bottle with some peppermint oil and water. Add a few drops per ounce, plus a few more for good measure! Use this mixture on countertops and other hard-to-reach places where bugs may be hiding out – like window curtains or blind sills.

You can’t go wrong with peppermint. I just learned that all types of ants hate their smell, so you’ll never have to worry about them coming near your home or office again.

How Do You Use Peppermint Oil For Ants?

Ants are tenacious pests that invade your home searching for food and water. While commercial pesticides can be pretty successful, peppermint oil is a safe and pleasant way to keep them from your house and cause annoyance. It may not destroy the ants, but they can’t gather any food or go near your plants with peppermint oil.

A great way to get rid of any unwanted bug visitors, once they’ve got their claws sunk into you, is through natural means such as sprays made from essential oils that can deter them from dying before they ever land solid footing inside our homes. His is especially effective for those who have kids and pets because let’s face it: we all know that chemical-based solutions can be pretty dangerous if they are ingested or in contact with the skin.

The best thing about using a natural spray made from essential oils is that you will be able to keep your home safe from ants, and it smells good. Here are a few steps that you can follow to use peppermint oils for ants:

  1. Ants are always travelling and looking for food, so if you find an ant in your home, it’s most likely because they came to get out of the rain. If this is prostitution, I’m sorry, but there isn’t much we can do about that! Observe these little guys closely; see whether or not one will lead you towards some tasty snacks like chocolate (my personal favourite). Once you find then remove it.
  2. You can try following them where they are taking the food; spray the peppermint oil directly after finding them.
  3. To get rid of pesky odours, place a few drops of undiluted peppermint oil on a cotton ball or rag and let it sit for 30 minutes before wiping away clean.
  4. It’s not just the kitchen–and homes exist everywhere! So make sure you keep an eye out for any signs of their presence. They tend to go for places with food or warmth, so be on guard at these spots and wipe down anything that could serve as a nest-like door threshold; baseboards near sinks/stove(s) in kitchens.
  5. The refreshing smell of peppermint will keep ants away from your home. Just make sure you re-load those cotton balls with more drops as needed and apply them anywhere that needs protecting.

Reapply the solution every few days or as needed. You can also make a more potent batch by using less water to increase the oil concentration, but be sure to test on an inconspicuous area first to avoid any potential staining. If you have pets, keep them away from areas that have been sprayed until they’re dry.

How To Make Peppermint Ant Repellent? 


-1 cup of water

-1/2 cup of white vinegar

-10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil


1. Combine all ingredients in a glass jar or spray bottle and shake well.

2. To use, spray around baseboards, windowsills, and doorways.

To keep pesky bugs out, do a small spot test on a hidden area first to ensure the spray doesn’t damage surfaces. Then apply it along baseboards and under sinks or cupboards as well! You can also place drops of peppermint oil onto cotton balls tucked into possible entry points like window frames for an extra protective measure against pests. Remember that these will only work if they’re directly applied, so don’t use them randomly all over because you might end up wasting your time trying to catch whatever wasn’t there before. I make my peppermint oil spray; you can check the detailed recipe here.

What Are The Other Ways to To Deter Ants?

Ants are tiny creatures that can enter your home in many ways. They often look for sweet and greasy food particles around windows, doors or foundations to get their fix of pure bliss! Scout ants like going inside because it’s easy to access our homes- but these pesky pests should not be missed as they may cause an infestation if left unchecked.

When scout ants find a good food source, they leave an invisible chemical trail that other ant workers can follow to get there. Once at the location of this discovery, worker ants do all the work by carrying back particles from your dish. The best way to keep ants away is to keep your home clean, which includes:

  • Wiping up spills and crumbs immediately
  • Cleaning counters, tables, and floors regularly
  • Storing food in airtight containers
  • Keeping garbage cans covered
  • Fixing leaks and sealing cracks in walls or foundation

If you still find them vacuum the ants up while they’re still on their feet! Don’t forget to pick up any crumbs or plant material that may draw them in. If you have hardwood floors instead of carpet, use a dry mop to avoid leaving behind dirt stains from your vacuum cleaner when removing all potential homes for these pesky pests – feel accessible to thoroughly clean before returning things where they belong.

To eliminate ants from your property, you must deprive them of their food source by storing lovely foods in closed containers, cleaning up grease and spills, and breaking the scent trail they’re following. If you want to discourage ants from coming back, use negative signals or repellents. For example, by filling up any holes, they might walk on with water and put peppermint oil around your house to not be able to find their way home again.

Wrapping Up

Keep your house free of pesky insects by filling the spray bottle with some peppermint oil and water. Add a few drops per ounce, plus a few more for good measure! Use this mixture on countertops and other hard-to-reach places where bugs may be hiding out. I believe this could be the perfect solution to keep your home ants free.


I have enjoyed herbs and essential oils for a very long time and have come to deeply value their aromatic and health benefits. These powerful plants and oils connect me to the natural world in an almost otherworldly way as they offer their innate therapeutic effects. However, their humble offering needs to be respected, and I hope these articles help you safely accept the beauty and power of herbs and essential oils.

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